Jython on SonyEricsson SmartPhone (Updated)
This is Latest news about Jython on UIQ.(work with my SonyEricssonP910i)
You can D/L my beta-version here.
In file jythonp910i.rar you will see file&folder named
-jython (Folder)
How to run Jython on UIQ.(work with my SonyEricssonP910i)
-You need program Jrun in program JCompile.
D/L JCompile from here.
-Install jRunP800.SIS
-replace Jrun.txt(in C:\system\apps\JRun) with Jrun.txt from jythonp910i.rar
-put jython (Folder) (from jythonp910i.rar) in D:\ (so that it will be D:\jython)
-Activate Jrun
-Wait for 20-30sec You will see Jython InterActive Console like this...
-If the keyboard not work,Click Menu(Don't click Exit) and click TextArea again.
-To Exit Jython click Menu>>Exit
You can D/L my beta-version here.
In file jythonp910i.rar you will see file&folder named
-jython (Folder)
How to run Jython on UIQ.(work with my SonyEricssonP910i)
-You need program Jrun in program JCompile.
D/L JCompile from here.
-Install jRunP800.SIS
-replace Jrun.txt(in C:\system\apps\JRun) with Jrun.txt from jythonp910i.rar
-put jython (Folder) (from jythonp910i.rar) in D:\ (so that it will be D:\jython)
-Activate Jrun
-Wait for 20-30sec You will see Jython InterActive Console like this...
-If the keyboard not work,Click Menu(Don't click Exit) and click TextArea again.
-To Exit Jython click Menu>>Exit